Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (TNO; English: Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research) is an independent research organisation in the Netherlands that focuses on applied science. The organisation also conducts contract research, offers specialist consulting services, and grants licences for patents and specialist software. TNO tests and certifies products and services, and issues an independent evaluation of quality. Moreover, TNO sets up new companies to market innovations.
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
Niederländische Organisation für Angewandte Naturwissenschaftliche Forschung
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Organización Holandesa para la Investigación Científica Aplicada
TNO was established by law in 1932 to support companies and governments with innovative, practicable knowledge. As a statutory organisation, TNO has an independent position that allows to give objective, scientifically founded judgments. It is similar to the German Fraunhofer Society and, to a lesser degree, CSIRO in Australia. Furthermore, TNO held also 10% of the Austrian research centre Joanneum Research from 2004 to 2014.
المنظمة الهولندية للبحث العلمي التطبيقي
Нидерландская организация прикладных научных исследований
TNO’s strategy is based on technological advances and trends in society. The work of TNO is focused on 9 domains which are in line with the challenges and goals of the national economic policy, based on so-called Top Sectors, and with social issues relevant to The Netherlands and Europe. TNO is a not-for-profit knowledge organisation. In order to ensure continuity the organisation generates a modest profit in order to fund investments, ensure continuity in knowledge development and a sustainable and healthy financial position.
Organisation Néerlandaise pour la Recherche Scientifique Appliquée
Organisasi Belanda untuk Penyelidikan Saintifik Yang Digunakan
TNO is headquartered in The Hague. Other locations include: Delft, Rijswijk, Leiden, Groningen, Helmond, Soesterberg, Utrecht, Zeist and Eindhoven. TNO also has international branch offices in Shin-Yokohama (Japan), Toronto (Canada), Brussels (Belgium), Doha (Qatar), Singapore and Aruba. The locations Hoofddorp and Enschede were closed in 2014.
Holenderska Organizacja zajmująca się Badaniami Naukowymi Stosowanymi
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