Tango CV (Tank & Go) is a Dutch company founded in 2000 by Marc Schröder. Together with his business partner Michiel Muller, he developed this company into a success. Tango CV introduced and operates unmanned gas stations, which means that there is no personnel present at the filling stations and payment is made with a debit card.
Tango Petrol Stations
By saving staff this way, Tango was able to deliver cheaper fuel than most other gas stations. The success of Tango has also prompted Shell (Shell Express), Gulf (Tinq), BP (BP Express) and Esso (Esso Express) to open unmanned gas stations.
At the beginning of 2004, major shareholder Petroplus International sold Tango to Kuwait Petroleum (known from the Q8 filling stations). At that time there were more than 70 Tango stations in the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain. At the beginning of 2008, the milestone of 100 filling stations in the Netherlands was reached, compared to 150 in 2013. From 2013, Dutch Q8 filling stations were gradually converted to Tangos.
Estaciones Petrolíferas Tango
Tango Benzinestations
Stations d’Essence Tango
Distributori di Benzina Tango
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Stacje Benzynowe Tango
In 2013, the company opened the first unmanned gas station on a Dutch highway. Unlike the other Tango gas stations, there was a shop here. Tango did not run the store. In the following year 5 more Tango gas stations followed on the Dutch motorways.
Postos de Gasolina Tango
Tango Benzinkutak
Since the end of April 2017, Kuwait Petroleum has opened its 190th gas stations in the Netherlands with Tango. On the Belgian market, Kuwait Petroleum also had a network of unmanned service stations under the brand name Q8 Easy. Kuwait Petroleum was also active in the market for unmanned filling stations for trucks, they did this with the IDS (international diesel service) filling stations, these filling stations were to be found throughout Europe.
Čerpací Stanice Tango
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