The Church Saint Archangel Michael was built in the Jablanica mountain range above the village of Radožda in the 13th century. It was built in a natural cave and was dedicated to the military commander of the Bodiless Army; The Archangel Michael.
Saint Archangel Michael Cave Church (Radožda, North Macedonia)
Iglesia Rupestre de San Arcángel Miguel (Radožda, Macedonia del Norte)
Höhlenkirche des Heiligen Erzengels Michael (Radožda, Nordmazedonien)
Пещерная церковь Святого Архангела Михаила (Радожда, Северная Македония)
Église Rupestre Saint-Archange Michel (Radožda, Macédoine du Nord)
Kościół św. Archanioła Michała w Jaskini (Radožda, Macedonia Północna)
Most of the frescoes date from the 14th century with one preserved from the 13th century. The cave church was repainted in the 14th thus removing many of the old frescoes. The top layer of painting in the church was the last accomplishment of the Ohrid Fine Art School from the 14th century.
Пештерската црква Свети Архангел Михаил (Радожда, Северна Македонија)
Aziz Başmelek Mikail Mağara Kilisesi (Radožda, Kuzey Makedonya)
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