The Dutch cuisine is unique in its kind. The Dutch people eat fresh and regional produce of very high, internationally recognised quality. The Netherlands are also home to many excellent restaurants and top-level chefs. The basis is always the produce, while the original and creative chefs make sure that they reach your table in a proper and healthy fashion. The unique local produce of Holland is given preference above other ingredients, and dishes follow the seasons.
Restaurants in the Netherlands
Restaurantes en los Países Bajos
With its North Sea coastline punctuated by old seafaring towns and villages, fishing has been a part of the Dutch lifeblood for centuries. The nation continues to sustainably harvest the rich fisheries of the North Sea, bringing freshly caught produce direct to the tables and counters of Dutch fishmongers, ranging from high-end seafood restaurants to traditional street food vendors and market stalls.
Restaurants in den Niederlanden
Рестораны в Нидерландах
Restaurants in Nederland
With its rich mix of nature, wildlife, culture and an abundance of fine dining options, the picturesque Veluwe region is one of Netherlands’ most rewarding destinations, offering something to inspire all the senses. Thanks to its high volume of producers and growers of organic regional products, the Veluwe is one of the most exciting culinary destinations in the Netherlands. Part of the region has even been labelled ‘Food Valley’ due to its concentration of agrifood companies and research institutes. You’ll find responsibly sourced wild meat like venison, boar and game on the menu all year round at the restaurants.
नीदरलैंड में रेस्तरां
Restaurants aux Pays-Bas
North Brabant, the part of the Netherlands that seems to enjoy the good life more than any other part of the nation, is all about good food and gezelligheid, that quintessentially Dutch word for people having a great time together. Which is fortunate, because with everything that grows in and grazes on their flowing fields, they have access to the best possible ingredients. From fresh fruit to asparagus and from anchovy even to caviar.
Restoran di Belanda
Ristoranti nei Paesi Bassi
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