Nautical stores are specialist shops in the field of nautical charts, books and non-electronic navigation instruments. In addition to all nautical charts, inland water charts and standard nautical books, they usually have a very extensive and specialist international library covering areas of interest such as construction, restoration and technology.
Nautical Stores Worldwide
Tiendas Náuticas en Todo el Mundo
Nautische Geschäfte weltweit
The nautical shops are also usually available for questions about travel planning and preparation. They offer the opportunity to enjoy all the beauty that one encounters on the water at home and abroad with the help of pilots long before departure.
In addition to books, charts and instruments, these stores also have a collection of nautical antiques; from paintings, nautical instruments to a collection of antique and read-in nautical books. They also often provide in-house repairs and maintenance of navigation instruments such as compasses and sextants.
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Magasins Nautiques dans le Monde
Морские магазины по всему миру
Lojas de Náutica em Todo o Mundo
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