Guangdong (Simplified Chinese: 广东) is a province of China, located in southern China on the South China Sea coast. Traditionally romanised as Canton or Kwangtung, Guangdong surpassed Henan and Sichuan to become the most populous province in China in January 2005, registering 79.1 million permanent residents and 31 million migrants who lived in the province for at least six months of the year.
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The provincial capital Guangzhou and economic hub Shenzhen are among the most populous and important cities in China. Hong Kong and Macau, while historically parts of Guangdong before becoming colonies of the United Kingdom and Portugal, respectively, are special administrative regions (SARs). Furthermore, the Basic Laws of both SARs explicitly forbid provincial governments from intervening in local politics. As a result, many issues with Hong Kong and Macau, such as border policy and water rights, have been settled by negotiations between the SARs’ governments and the Guangdong provincial government.
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